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The LSU IISE Chapter is an official nonprofit student organization at Louisiana State University. In similar practice to other IISE chapters around the nation, we form relationships with companies in our local area for the benefit of our member's professional success. There are multiple benefits available for companies that choose to be an official sponsor of the LSU chapter of IISE. 


Benefits such as: 

  • Logo featured on this Website

  • LinkedIn post to synergistically boost the brand of your company and our club

  • Officially recognized at the End of Year Banquet

  • Access to member resume database (Experimental idea dependent on interest)

  • Featured company profile (with links to apply) during our first meeting of the academic year in August

  • Listed as an official sponsor of the club and given priority scheduling for IISE meeting presentations


Our sponsorship program began during our preparation for the 2019 Southeastern Regional Conference hosted at LSU. With financial support from the university and supporting companies, LSU IISE put on a truly impressive conference with 150 participating Industrial Engineers from Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Puerto Rico with a budget of $30,000. Our conference in 2019 is remembered as one of the best and proves that LSU Industrial Engineering is one of the leading programs in the country.


After the conference was over, officers of the chapter concluded that a consistent sponsorship program would go a long way to solidifying the relationship between LSU IISE and companies who regularly recruit Industrial Engineers from LSU. The sponsorship program is still in development and all benefits will be available starting in Fall 2021. The goal for Spring 2021 is to lay the ground work for a sponsorship program that continues for years to come, makes business sense for our industry partners, and contributes to the professional success of our members.


If your organization is interested in the sponsorship program, contact Jake Rovira at
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